A soldiers' wife watches proudly as her husband packs his bags, answering the call of duty. Rather he's gone for weeks, months, or a year it doesn't really matter. It's all the same at night laying in bed...alone.

A soldiers' wife is a great actress, always making everyone believe that all is well. When really, she's scared to death and all alone. Never knowing what the next phone call may bring.

A soldiers' wife is brave. For, if she shows the slightest hint of fear, the kids will notice. She's the only one left at home to reassure them all is well and Daddy will soon be home.

A soldiers' wife does the silliest things during the day to pass the time til he gets home. Redoiong things that didn't need to be done in the first place. If she didn't, she'd go crazy in those long days apart.

A soldiers' wife crys at the craziest things, with absolutly no control over it. She finds ways to connect with a total stranger just because of a bumper sticker, or shirt they're wearing. Kinda silly, but she does it despite herself.

A soldiers' wife lays in bed with pillows and blankets all around her, pretending for just a second that he's there. She's wearing one of his shirts sprayed with his cologne, the tears running down her check as she can't go to sleep.

A soldiers' wife wakes in the morning, with only a few hours of light sleep, to an empty bed...only to do it all over again. Counting down the days til her soldier comes home and the bed is no longer cold, the conversations are longer than two minutes long and those pillows no longer have to be there.

A soldiers' wife is exactly what I am. It's hard, yes. but, I wouldn't have it any other way! Call me crazy, insane, whatever you please. But, can you tell me you're honestly as proud of your husband as I am mine?


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