My dad is an American soldier
In the United States Army
He fights for his country
He fights for mommy and me
He fights for you
He even fights for the ones that hate American
For my dad is an American soldier
In the United States Army
I miss my dad a lot
For he's far away right now
Fighting for me
So I can live in a country that's free

I'm too young to understand why my dad's not home
Mommy says it's because he's fighting for something he believes in
I don't really understand what she means
My daddy use to tuck me in at night
Now my mommy does it alone
I hear mommy crying even though she thinks I don't
She misses daddy as well
She's trying to be strong for me and daddy
But sometimes it's hard for her to do

I remember the day my dad left
I thought it was neat that I got to go to work with him
I didn't know daddy wouldn't be coming home with us
Mommy says what daddy is doing is important
That he's defending our country
Against people that don't like Americans
Once before I was born they flew planes into buildings
Killing innocent men and women
They attacked a US Naval ship
All because they didn't like us
If they don't like us why are they here?

Mommy and Daddy says it's because of the freedom we have here
So if they want to kill Americans
Then why are they here?
My dad is willing to fight to defend his country
While people condemn this war
Daddy says he'd rather fight it somewhere far away
Than here in our own backyard
It's as if some people don't understand
That even if our troops come home
The people that hate us won't leave us alone
One day they'll attack again
All because they hate us
Just because we believe in freedom
Yet still they come here to live

My daddy's an American soldier
He fights to defend you and me
I'm proud of my daddy
And all the men and women that serve
For they serve so we can live in a country that's free
Maybe one day there be no more war
And all the soldiers will be home
With the people that love and miss them
Until that day
Thank God for men like my dad
And all the other men and women that serve

My Dad Is An American Soldier

God Bless The USA

An American Soldier
Sung By Toby Keith



photo taken by; L.Rauch~AP
©My Dad Is An American Soldier by Bane Ansley
January 25, 2007