I grew up during the Viet Nam war

I cried when President Kennedy was assassinated

I proudly said the Pledge of Allegiance every day at school

And bowed my head in prayer

I was a child of the sixties

Long before they took away my rights

No longer are we allowed to pray in schools

Or say the Pledge of Allegiance

Now we bow our heads for a moment of silence

All because it offended someone

What about my rights

And the rights of so many others

That believes in God, Liberty and Freedom for All

When we did we stop caring about everyone

And start caring about one person

Who we offended

Now we have people that live in my country

That complain and condemn American soldiers

That fight to defend our country

Why is it people that hate us

Find it so easy to live in my country

Why is it my son is far away

Risking his life to defend these people

These people that hate all that America stands for

He fights for freedom

He fights for liberty

He fights to defend people that hate him

Each day he risk his life

To defend people that don’t know the value of life

I read in the news more bombings

More soldiers have died

All because they choose to serve and fight

For people rights that come here to my country

And condemn us

If living here is so bad

Why don’t they go back from where they came

Why don’t we bring our troops home

And let the ones that hate Americans so

Continue to kill each other

Instead of the brave men and women

Of the United States Armed Forces

The reasons why we don’t are simple

For we are Americans

And we believe in Liberty and Justice for all

Not just for Americans but even the ones that hate all we stand for

For we sing the Star Spangle Bangle with Pride

We salute the American flag as it passes by

We believe in Freedom, Liberty and Justice

Some thing that some people will never understand

So tell me if you can

If you hate America so much

Why are you here in my country?

And why is my son willing to die to protect yours?

My son is a member Of the United States Armed Forces

He stands tall and proud as he fights for his country as he fights for freedom for all

Not just me, but so that you have the right to live here in our country

And while he might not have the same beliefs as you

He will fight for your right to have them

God Bless America and all that we stand for

God Bless Our Troops

I know that not everyone hate America but even one person that chooses to live here in America and hates all that we as Americans stand for is one person too many. For as long as there is hatred in this world there will be wars and more people will die. I'm proud that I'm an American and I'm even more proud of my son and all the other American Armed Force Members that are willing to fight to protect not just there families but the families of people that hate all that we as Americans stand for and believe.

God Bless America



Courtesy Of The Red, White & Blue
sung by Toby Keith

©Proud Army Mom
January 25, 2007