My Daddy left yesterday
I've looked everywhere for him but can't find him
Mommy showed me a video Daddy made for me
Telling me he loved me
And I have the picture of him and me
That Grandma left for me
But it's not the same
I look out the door when cars pass by
Just knowing that it's going to be my dad
But it's not
I'm use to Daddy going off to work
All dressed up in his fatigues
But I know he always come home
At the end of a long hard day
Yesterday he didn't come home
And Mommy says he won't be home today
Mommy says he's gone away
Somewhere far away
To some foreign country
To fight for his country and Mommy and Me
I don't know what a war is
All I know is that my Daddy isn't here
I'm much to young to understand
I'm not even 2
He took lots of pictures of mommy and me with him
He hugged me and held me close
Telling me he loved me
My daddy left yesterday
For somewhere far away
I miss him a lot already
I know he believes in what we're fighting for
For he's told my mom and grandma so
It doesn't make it any easier for me though
For Daddy didn't come home last night
And he won't be home tonight
Nor many nights to come
So pray for my Dad
And all the men and women like him
That have sworn to serve and protect Our Country
There are a lot of little boys and girls like me
That miss there Mom and Dad
So God please bring them all home safe real soon
For they're missed and loved by so many people
Daddy, Mommy and I love and miss you
So hurry home soon Daddy

Daddy, I hope you know how proud I am of you.

Love Your little boy






İMy Letter To My Dad
by Bane Ansley