Pvt.2 Hunter Owen and Mom

Staff. Sgt. Christopher Ansley and Mom




My tummy is growing.
I've months yet to go
But already I'm loving
this child I don't know.

My mind filled with wonder
at each flutter or kick.
I can't wait to see you!
The date's coming quick!

Bright lights in delivery
I'm scared and alone.
I'll soon have a baby
of my very own!!

Whoa, I'll be a "Mommy"!
Am I ready for that?
How did this nine months
go by so darn fast???

A real, live, new person
will enter the world!
Since I only have sisters,
it must be a girl!

There have been no tests,
no sonogram done,
We've both been so healthy,
we didn't need one!

Such hard work and pain!
My baby is here!
"You have a son!"
is all that I hear.

A "SON" did you say?
But how can this be?
There are no boys
in my family!

But look - there he is!
Too perfect for words!
The sound of his cry
like the song of a bird!

He's mine, my own angel
sent from Heaven above.
I never imagined
such powerful love!

The light of my life!
The beat of my heart!
From this moment on,
we never shall part!

I devote my whole life,
every breath that I take,
to the care of my child,
and keeping him safe!

Each milestone a blessing,
first word and first step
are burned into my heart
so I'll never forget!

Each thing that he does
is an absolute joy!
I am totally in awe
of this beautiful boy!

The years go too quickly,
the first day of school!
As he steps onto the bus,
I cry like a fool...

Every school play I'm there,
but with tears in my eyes.
His every accomplishment
glorious surprise!

Being a mother, HIS Mom,
is a blessing ten-fold!
Every day of his life,
joy to behold!

His eyes sparkle brightly,
his laughter, devine!
How handsome he looks,
this Cub Scout of mine!

How that boy loves to fish!
That would make my Dad proud!
But it scares me how quickly
he's growing up now...

The school wrestling matches,
I'm up there to cheer!
But he may get hurt!
I can't handle the fear!

I know he enjoys it
and thinks this is fun,
But nothing must happen
to my precious son!

Oh, look at him now,
in his cap and his gown!
I couldn't be more proud
if he wore a gold crown!

The girlfriends, too many,
he's not ready for love!
His heart may get broken,
that's what I'm afraid of!

Regardless of my needs
he just grows and grows,
he unties the apron strings
and off he goes!

It all went too fast!
The years have flown by!
The memories making me
smile and cry.

"Niddy-Wobble", a thumb,
the pets we've been through,
the homework, Metallica,
and ice fishing too....

How can you leave me,
my sweet, precious child?
Don't you still need your Mom
for just a short while?

The Army, you say?
You've signed up already?
But they'll take you away!
Wait Son, I'm not ready!!

Who knows where you'll go,
or how long you'll be gone!
What if there's a war
and you're called upon???

Oh my, look at you
in your new uniform!
Graduating from basic,
my son is reborn!

At my second wedding
you escorted the bride.
Standing tall in your Dress Greens
you filled me with pride!

Where once stood a child
there now is a man!
I try to accept this
as well as I can....

Too many stations
in too many states.
You're coming to visit?
Oh Son, I can't wait!!

A year in Korea?!!
That's got to be wrong!
How can I survive

You're just one state away!
Home for Christmas?? Wow!!
I'm handling your Army life
MUCH better now!

Oh no! Our commander
has called us to war!
I'm filled with a fear
I've not known before!

Saying good-bye at the base,
and watching him leave,
was a torture you'd have to
endure to believe!

My sweet baby boy now
has gone off to war
and at times I don't think
I can take anymore!

I'm proud and I'm scared
all at the same time.
Yes, a Soldier must fight,
but not when he's MINE!

I know he's grown up
but I worry because
all I see is the child
he so long ago was.

I pray for my Baby,
my Soldier, my Son,
all the beings he is
now rolled into one.

I know he's man,
he's well trained and he's smart,
but he's still just a baby
in this mother's heart!

When I look in his eyes
or hear his sweet voice,
it's my child I see -
I don't have a choice!

Son, you have my respect,
admiration and pride,
but my fear for your safety
I just cannot hide!

It's not that I don't have
confidence in you.
You give 100 percent
in all that you do!

But it's MY job to see
that you always are safe,
and now you're in danger
and too far away!!

I cannot protect you,
and that tears me apart!
You cannot imagine
the fear in my heart!

I wait for your phone call,
check for letters each day,
but I guess no news is good news
when things are this way...

There's a knock on my door.
Oh God, I can't breathe!
What car is out front?
Please don't let it be!

Whew! It's just a friend
come to see how I am.
I don't know how much more
of this fear I can stand!

I cry and I pray for you,
then cry some more.
I can't wait 'til you're home
from this terrible war!

I couldn't keep you a child,
though I tried for so long!
But now I can see that
what I did was wrong.

The Army has taught you
things I never could.
And made you self-sufficient
(Which I never would!)

They've made you the man
that you needed to be.
Seeing you as a child
was selfish of me...

You can keep yourself safe now,
armed with weapon and prayer.
I don't want you to need me
'cause I can't be there!

But when you come home
I'll still baby you...
I know you're a man,
but that's just what Moms do!

While you're overseas
I thank God you're a "MAN"!
But at home, Son,
please humor me if you can...

Let me tuck you safely
into your bed
with Kisses and Crosses
on your forehead.

I know that you're grown,
and some might think it strange,
but when it comes to Mom,
some things never change!!

I'll worry and care for you
in my own way,
and I always will love you
more than words can say!

It's been a long road
to get where we are now
and I wish there was
some way to relive it somehow.

But I do, in my heart,
when I look in your eyes.
In your voice I can still
hear my sweet baby's cries.

But I can't see or hear you
when you are so far.
Not the baby you were
or the man that you are.

I miss you so badly
it tears me apart!
You must come home safely!
It's breaking my heart!

The news is so awful,
I'm scared constantly
that something will happen
to take you from me!

I have no control
in this terrible war
but to keep faith in you,
our troops and our Lord.

But I'll not rest easy
'til you're safe and sound,
home where you belong
on American ground





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